
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Basics of Google Slides

The video below includes a very basic overview of how to use Google Slides!  Please see me for any questions!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Using to Create Flashcards!

For my vocabulary units, I always have the students make flashcards.  However, when our school made the transition to go one-to-one, I needed to find a new solution.

Meet Flippity.

This tool is the easiest way I have found to create online flashcards!  My students have been using it this year and are loving it!

Below is my video introduction.  Enjoy :)


Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am so excited to share with you !!! I have never used this program before and think it will be a great resource for our class, especially with vocabulary!

Follow the video below to access the Google Sheets template that will help you turn your Excel spreadsheet into VIRTUAL FLASHCARDS!

How cool is this?!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Google Calendar Set Up

Use the following video to subscribe to our class calendar!

Be sure you're part of our Google Classroom first!