
Monday, October 18, 2010

Task 7: Google Docs Walk Through

As you know, being able to use a word processing software, like Microsoft Word, is really important not only for school, but for life! However, we know sometimes we can have difficulties with file types, email attachments, or simply remembering to bring our USB!

This week for Techy Tuesday, we are going to explore Google Docs. You will learn how to create and rename documents, invite people to share your document, and save or email your file. In addition to this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the tools of a basic word processing device.

Please make sure the following things are in your Techy Tuesday assignment.

1. Change the font color.
2. Change the font size.
3. Change the font style.
4. Double space your work.
5. Have some of your work Centered and some to the Left.
6. Insert a 2 x 2 table.
7. Include bullet points
8. Rename your file.
9. Keep it private.
10. Email it to me as an attachment.

For the content of your work, please write about your favorite technology tool we have used so far. Be sure to describe it, and tell us why this is your favorite!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Task 6: E-Mail Attachment

Knowing how to send an email with an attachment is no longer an option; it is a necessity!

For this week's Techy Tuesday, watch the video below to learn how to add an attachment to an email. Be sure to include not only the attachment, but also a brief description of what you have attached using proper netiquette described in last week's task.

Your attachment requirement corresponds to your class:

Ms. Spiezio's 7th Grade: Attach a descriptive piece you have been working on in your Writer's Notebook

Ms. Spiezio's 6th Grade: Attach one of your Milestone Moments you have been working on in class this week

Mr. Poole's Class: Attach one of your Milestone Moments you have been working on in class this week

Monday, October 4, 2010

Task 5: Netiquette

Since we were little, we have all heard our parents tell us to "mind our manners". We're told to say please, thank you, and even hold doors for people to show that we have respect for them and their opinions.
Believe it or not, this same kind of idea holds true for the Internet. There is something called "Netiquette" which all online users must be familiar with to participate successfully in an online environment.

In this week's Techy Tuesday, you will research different ideas about online etiquette by visiting the following links and watching some of the videos listed below.

Some Netiquette MUSTS for email usage!
When writing an email you should...
1. Always have a formal greeting and closing
2. Always sign your name
3. Spell out all words. Do not use online lingo (b4, thanx, etc)
4. Make your requests clear

Your task for this week is to write an e-mail using proper online etiquette to your teacher explaining three of the most important Netiquette ideas you've come across this week. Be sure to refer to the websites/videos you got your ideas from in your email.

More Netiquette Resources

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Task 4: HELP!

Okay, okay students.

So a lot of you have been emailing Mr. Poole and I with concerns about your account. Some of you are saying you can't log in, your password doesn't work, and other problems. In this case, please remember the following!

1. You do NOT have a account. Therefore, you CANNOT log in to the website.
2. Simply go to your drop, your website, and then enter your password as prompted.
3. To add an image to the drop, hit "Add" then select the file, and hit upload!


E-mail the image as an attachment to an email. The email address should be the following "" For example....

Let me know if you have problems!